PTSA Advocacy

National PTA Advocacy

PTSA Partnerships, Charities, etc. like Gladys Cook or the Reflections Program


Opportunity School District

GA House of Representatives recently passed Opportunity School District (OSD) legislature which will be voted upon by GA voters in this upcoming November 2016 election.  Opportunity School District (OSD) would allow the state, not county, the opportunity overtake GA’s failing schools who did not meet CCRPI requirements three consecutive years in a row.  A Governor-appointed Superintendent would be allowed to utilize local DeKalb County taxpayer (shareholder) dollars to manage the school without any accountability or regard to our shareholders.  The GA PTA’s is not in support of this new legislature and we are also working in support of the GA PTA and Region 2 DeKalb Council of PTAs to spread the news.  Please join us in a legislative forum for more information!!!!

Region 2 DeKalb Council Legislative Forum

Arabia Mountain High School

March 12th – 9:00 pm – 12:00 pm

Forum Topic

Opportunity School District Panel Discussion

Nine Reasons the GA PTA says “No” to Opportunity School District (OSD):

1. The Opportunity School District law will be an amendment to the Georgia Constitution that will affect generations to come.
2. The Opportunity School District (OSD) would be managed by a Governor-appointed Superintendent who would be given vast new powers over the use of local funding and local educational decision- making matters, yet be unaccountable to local taxpayers.
3. Removal of Local Control of Neighborhood Schools.
4. Tax equity denied and increased unequal funding of local schools.
5. Elected Representation denied and removal of constitutional rights.
6. Negative affect on local property values such as decrease property values.
7. Educational plan would be duplicated after a state with the worst schools in the nation.
8. Expand government bureaucracy with an unproven and failing plan.
9. Reinforce the “Redistribution of Wealth” and Unfunded Mandates, particularly in DeKalb County – continues the outdated QBE formula (Local Five Mill Share), out of control Austerity Cuts, and Georgia Governors placing over 70% of the Refugees in the Clarkston Cluster without proper funding. Source: Unhappy Taxpayer & Voters, 2016


Senate Bill 133 does not align with Georgia PTA’s Legislative Priorities or the “Operation Ready to Learn” Resolution passed by the Georgia PTA delegates in July 2015.
Georgia PTA does not support the Constitutional Amendment as currently created by Senate Bill 133


GA PTA Information on Opportunity School District

GA Governor Nathal Deal’s Proposal

GA PTA Opportunity School District Video

Crossroads News Article on Opportunity School District